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A Tribute to Bryan Adams 

German Info

BRYAN ADAMS ist mit Abstand einer der markantesten Rockkünstler der  80er-90er Jahre, der mit seiner englischsprachigen Gitarren-Musik in Europa den Mainstream am stärksten neu definierte. Mit seinem Sound schuf er nicht nur eine ganz besondere Rock & Popmischung und unglaublich eingängige Kompositionen, sondern auch eine Brücke zwischen dem reinen Rock & Pop Publikum.


Frisch, frech Abfeiern, Tanzen oder ganz einfach zum Zuhören und genießen. Mit Fingerspitzengefühl präsentiert die Darmstädter Band um den renommierten Gitarristen Bobby Stöcker eine mitreißende Tributeshow mit allen Hits des weltweit höchst beliebten Rockers „Bryan Adams“.



English Info


Is there anybody who didn’t hear a song of Bryan Adams yet? Since the early 80s that Canadian’s mainstream but although extra-ordinary tunes save the party for sure. How often did you go crazy on Summer of 69, how many drinks have been spent on Cuts like a knife, how many tears ran because of Everything I do (I do it for you)? That magic is still alive these days - as the Adams story continues [The best of me, Here I am] - and these guys are proofing it. So take a good look!

“The Adams Family”, Germany’s No 1 Bryan Adams Tributeband takes you on an ultimate up to 2hrs lasting expedition which compilates Bryan Adams’ musical history to a highly recommendable Event. Their Set includes all the Singles, “Run to you”, “18 til I die”, “Can’t stop this thing we started”, etc., as well as the B-Sides, “Long gone”, “She’s only happy when she’s dancing”, “Hearts on fire”… 

Of course those Songs featuring female artists won’t be missing (“It’s only love”, “When you’re gone”). Inspired with the fantastic MTV unplugged concert an acoustical segment is also part of the show. By special demand this part can be presented as a full length concert! Adams/Vallance Blockbusters played by others are the surprising factor of the “TAF” Set.
It’s all happening! the TAF ones promise. All Musicians are Professionals living in the Rhein-Main-Region of Germany, in order to set the stage on fire: THE ADAMS FAMILY – Red Hot Party Makers, all live & entertaining. Ready to rock reckless! So just make it happen.

© 2025 by Vivid Music Productions

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